Rozier Gives Invited Talk at AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium Series
On the Effectiveness of Mission-time Linear Temporal Logic (MLTL) in AI Applications
Mission-time Linear Temporal Logic (MLTL) adds closed-interval integer bounds on the temporal operators of LTL, enabling unit-agnostic specification over finite traces. It is arguably the most-used variation of MTL, and the most-used subset of STL in industrial and AI applications. MLTL optimizes the trade-off between expressibility of a wide range of realistic requirements and the ability to author generic, easy-to-validate formulas. We highlight successful AI applications centered around MLTL requirements, including Robonaut2 and the NASA Lunar Gateway Vehicle System Manager. We overview advances in analyzing MLTL, explain the motivation driving these developments, and point out the gaps in the state of the art where there are needs for future work.
Filed under Research Talks
OpenUAS Team Featured by Iowa Space Grant Consortium
Filed under Laboratory Collaborations, News Features
Lab Alumni Zachary Luppen Announces Starlink 2-5 Launch for SpaceX

Watch the recording here:
Filed under Lab Alumni, News Features
[isabelle] New in the AFP: Stalnaker Logic
Stalnaker's Epistemic Logic by Laura P. Gamboa Guzman This work is a formalization of Stalnaker's epistemic logic with countably many agents and its soundness and completeness theorems, as well as the equivalence between the axiomatization of S4 available in the Epistemic Logic theory and the topological one. It builds on the Epistemic Logic theory.
Two Cyclone engineers receive NSF grant to create a smarter aircraft and spacecraft
Filed under Awards, Laboratory Collaborations, News Features
Aerospace Engineering’s Rozier receives Black and Veatch Building a World of Difference in Engineering Fellowship
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Rozier Presents Kempa with Teaching Excellence Award

Kempa served as a teaching assistant for AerE 361 (Computational Techniques for Aerospace Design) for three semesters. AerE 361 is a required course with a coding component in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, and according to Rozier teaching of this course a special challenge due to technically-related issues in the past. Kempa volunteered to assist with the course while Rozier was in the process of overhauling the material, because he felt he had a valuable perspective from having taken the course as an undergraduate. Rozier nominated Kempa for his dedication and passion to teaching, which she called “truly exceptional.”
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Alumnus Zachary Luppen Hosts CRS-27 Mission Launch

Zachary Luppen (M.S., 2021) hosted the webcast of Falcon 9’s launch of SpaceX’s 27th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-27) mission to the International Space Station on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Liftoff occurred from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
This is the seventh flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Hispasat Amazonas Nexus, SES-22, ispace’s HAKUTO-R Mission 1, and three Starlink missions. Following stage separation, Falcon 9 will land on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship in the Atlantic Ocean.
CRS-27 is the third flight for this Dragon spacecraft, which previously flew CRS-22 and CRS-24 to the space station. After an approximate 35-hour flight, Dragon will dock with the International Space Station at 4:52 a.m. PT (6:52 a.m. CT) on Thursday, March 16.
Filed under Lab Alumni, News Features