Category Archives: Reproducibility

[isabelle] New in the AFP: Stalnaker Logic

Stalnaker's Epistemic Logic
  by Laura P. Gamboa Guzman

This work is a formalization of Stalnaker's epistemic logic with countably many agents and its soundness and completeness theorems, as well as the equivalence between the axiomatization of S4 available in the Epistemic Logic theory and the topological one. It builds on the Epistemic Logic theory.

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Filed under Laboratory Collaborations, Publication Highlights, Reproducibility

Reproducibility, Correctness, and Buildability: the Three Principles for Ethical Public Dissemination of Computer Science and Engineering Research


Our paper has been published in IEEE Ethics 2014! This is the first collaboration with the Trustworthy Data Engineering Lab: Reproducibility, Correctness, and Buildability: the Three Principles for Ethical Public Dissemination of Computer Science and Engineering Research.

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Filed under Laboratory Collaborations, Publication Highlights, Reproducibility