Monthly Archives: September 2013

Women in Aerospace Pronounces Dr. Kristin Yvonne Rozier Winner of Inaugural Initiative-Inspiration-Impact Award

Women In Aerospace Honors Nine Exceptional Women with its 2013 Awards. Dr. Kristin Yvonne Rozier will receive the Inaugural Initiative-Inspiration-Impact Award from Women in Aerospace “For exemplary achievement of formal specification, verification, and validation of a NextGen air traffic control system candidate and for dedication as a mentor and role model.” This prestigious award is presented for an individual in her early career, who consistently surpasses expectations from a technical, interpersonal, and management perspective, commitment to professional growth, and service as a role model or mentor that shows dedication to the advancement of women in aerospace. The article states:

Women in Aerospace is proud to recognize nine outstanding women for their contributions to the aerospace industry and to the advancement of women in the field. These women will be honored at the 28th annual Women in Aerospace Awards Dinner and Ceremony with a reception and dinner. The event will be held on October 29, 2013 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Arlington, VA.

The story was also picked up by SpaceRef!

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Rozier receives distinguished AIAA award


Dr. Kristin Yvonne Rozier has been recognized with the Intelligent Systems Distinguished Service Award from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Presented by NASA Ames’ Ann Patterson-Hine and awarded by the AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee the plaque reads “For Significant Contributions to the Activities of the ISTC and AIAA, 2008-2013.”

The NASA Astrogram, the official newsletter for NASA’s Ames Research Center, photographed the award presentation and featured the story Rozier receives distinguished AIAA award in their September, 2013 edition, page 11.

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Filed under Awards, News Features, Outreach