Parallella has found our research and featured us on their website with the headline Parallella Flies with NASA!
Parallella has featured our NASA Technical Memorandum::
- Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Johann Schumann, and Corey Ippolito. “Intelligent Hardware-Enabled Sensor and Software Safety and Health Management for Autonomous UAS.” Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2015-218817, May, 2015. PDF BibTeX
However, the Parallella FPGA is actually featured in several of our publications, including:
- Johann Schumann, Patrick Moosbrugger, and Kristin Y. Rozier. “R2U2: Monitoring and Diagnosis of Security Threats for Unmanned Aerial Systems.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV15), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, September 22–25, 2015. PDF BibTeX
- Johann Schumann, Kristin Y. Rozier, Thomas Reinbacher, Ole J. Mengshoel, Timmy Mbaya, and Corey Ippolito. “Towards Real-time, On-board, Hardware-supported Sensor and Software Health Management for Unmanned Aerial Systems.” In International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM), volume 6, number 1, pages 1–27, PHM Society, June, 2015. PDF BibTeX
- Johannes Geist, Kristin Yvonne Rozier, and Johann Schumann. “Runtime Observer Pairs and Bayesian Network Reasoners On-board FPGAs: Flight-Certifiable System Health Management for Embedded Systems.” In 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV14), Springer-Verlag, Toronto, Canada, September 22-25, 2014. PDF (Proceedings version: PDF) BibTeX Experiments/Downloads
- Thomas Reinbacher, Kristin Y. Rozier, and Johann Schumann. “Temporal-Logic Based Runtime Observer Pairs for System Health Management of Real-Time Systems.” In 20th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), volume 8413 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 357–372, Springer-Verlag, Grenoble, France, 5-13 April 2014. PDF (Proceedings version: PDF) BibTeX Tools and Simulation Traces
- Johann Schumann, Kristin Y. Rozier, Thomas Reinbacher, Ole J. Mengshoel, Timmy Mbaya, and Corey Ippolito. “Towards Real-time, On-board, Hardware-supported Sensor and Software Health Management for Unmanned Aerial Systems.” In 2013 Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM2013), pages 381–401. October, 2013. PDF BibTeX