
Guidelines for Working in the Laboratory for Temporal Logic.

This is a set of guidelines for students working or intending to work on research projects under the supervision of the PI (Prof. Kristin Yvonne Rozier). They apply mostly to graduate students, especially if supported by a research grant, but some of them are generally applicable, even to undergraduate students.

Weekly Meetings

To organize my, and your, time, I usually set weekly time slots to meet with each of my students. In addition, we have weekly group meetings to discuss papers or research directions for our projects.

Please be punctual at these meetings, and bring with you a pen (or favorite writing instrument), a notepad (or paper, or notebook, or laptop), and your calendar (in whatever form you keep it, this is useful to schedule additional meetings, if needed).

Before each meeting, email me an agenda and an updated copy of your relevant lab notebook. The earlier you send this email (ideally 24 hours in advance) the more feedback I can prepare for the meeting.

Email Etiquette

Email is the main vehicle for brief communications in our profession.

You should check your email frequently, and reply promptly.

Version Control

The Laboratory retains git repositories for all projects; in addition to upholding professional working practices, these enable group work. You should commit your work frequently, at a minimum at the end of each working day to enable the group to build effectively on your progress and to prevent significant loss of work in the case of computer mishaps.


You should schedule your work day so that you are in online at the very least during the standard office hours, 9:00am to 5:00pm, unless of course you are in class or at lunch.


You will occasionally have to make presentations to our research group or to much larger audiences.

If you are making a presentation here, it is your responsibility to reserve the room (via email to the AERE office staff).

You should use a laptop and a projector.

You should always practice your presentation by yourself first, then maybe in front of one or two colleagues. It is fundamental to be able to deliver your ideas clearly and in the allotted time, allowing for questions and answers during and after your presentation.

*These guidelines are borrowed, nearly verbatim, from Prof. Gianfranco Ciardo.